Chapter 2 – Models, Comparative Advantage & Trade


Part 1 – Comparative Advantage Example – 29 min.
Part 2


Lifestyle & Skills for the Future

The skills required for tomorrow will be different from today. The cost of tomorrow is changing rapidly. AI, robotic process automation, and robotics will become increasingly more prevalent in all industries.

Some jobs will require you to live in certain places or will you sacrifice your job for a lower cost of living?

To acquire the same lifestyle as your previous generations, what type of trades offs will people have to make and why? Where will you live? How will you live? Will you have a large or small family? Where do you see the trends going? 

Reference Articles

This video discusses the upcoming impact of AI on work and life.

The Future of the City Is Childless

The Quiet Ways Automation Is Remaking Service Work

An army of Indian workers earning $4 a day are putting together your next iPhone